Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Plan for Rain

It is nearing our departure time. I have looked at the extended forecast for Beijing and it looks like rain will welcome us in China. Plan on bringing a rainjacket. I can't imagine having to deal with an umbrella and your luggage all at the same time. There will be no place to change closthes when you arrive according to Mr. C. He hasn't traveled with a bunch of teenagers in a while! Updated Itineraries are on there way and we are all in for a treat! Don't forget the swimsuits. Next meeting is Thursday where we will practice our mad packing skills.


  1. If you don't own a rain jacket, may I suggest: REI (Priest and Southern), Sportsman's Warehouse (Greenfild and the US60)or Bass Pro Shops (Dobson and the 202)!

  2. Checked the weather forcast this morning and it looks like the rain in Beijing is going to happen Sat. and Sunday before we get there. We may hit some rain later in the week in Qinhaungdao. Temperatures there are going to be in the 70's. Forcasts change so be prepared for almost anything.

  3. I just wanted to wish all you China bound folks the best of luck, the experience of a lifetime and memories to share when you get back. Be safe!
